Regular Season: April 19th - May 31st, 2025 (6 Weeks, 12 Games - Postseason Opportunities Are Available For Older Divisions)
Practices Begin: First Week of April
Registration Closes: March 2nd, 2025
League Age Determination:
A player's 'league age' is determined by the official little league date of:
- Softball - January 1st
- Baseball - August 31st
Whatever your player’s age is on the respective date above is the players 'league age' for the current season. Softball is pretty easy to calculate since it resets on the 1st of the year; however, baseball is a bit trickier being that it is based on a August 31st cutoff date.
League Age Example for Baseball
As of today's date, your child is currently 10 years old and his birthday is August 21st. Even though he is currently 10 years old, he is considered to be 11 years old for his league age because his birthday is BEFORE the August 31st date. If he was born on Sept. 1st, he would be considered to be 10 years old league age. Therefore, in this example, your child would be eligible for the Majors Baseball (12U) division and NOT the Minor 2 - Kid Pitch (10U) division.
League Age Example for Softball
Because Softball league age is determined based on a Jan. 1st date, how ever old you daughter is as of today's date is her league age. See I told you softball was easy, I wish they made it that easy for baseball!
Still Confused? Go here to determine league age for your player,
Little League Age Determination.
Want to Play Up/Down a Division?
NELL does allow some players to play up or down a division based on skill level / experience. If you feel your son/daughter would be better playing up a division or down a division, please email
[email protected] to discuss PRIOR TO REGISTERING.
Family Maximum
There is a $300 maximum per family.
Practices Start
All divisions will have practices starting sometime around spring break up until opening day, April 20th, 2025. After the season starts, there will only be games due to field availability. Coaches schedule their own practice dates and times although most will schedule 2 practices per week for the 2 weeks before the season starts.
Games SchedulesAll Home games are played at Huff Park with the exception of Juniors Baseball which plays at Hillcrest Park and/or Riverside Park. Interleague games between various local Little Leagues will be played for Minor 1 - Coach Pitch and above divisions. Some games may be away games for your team. Games schedules will be posted Early April.
Softball Games - Scheduling
Softball games are played on City owned fields. As such, we need to work around Rec League Softball schedules for availability. Depending on the division, softball games will be played Mon-Thu evenings and Saturday mornings/early afternoon. Most divisions will follow a Mon/Wed/Sat or Tues/Thu/Sat schedule; however, that is subject to change based on field availability.
Baseball Games - SchedulingDepending on the division, games will be played Mon-Thu evenings and Saturday mornings/early afternoon. Most divisions will follow a Mon/Wed/Sat or Tues/Thu/Sat schedule; however, that is subject to change.
Tee Ball: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thu/Sat
Minor 1 - Coach Pitch: Tues/Thu/Sat
Minor 2 - Kid Pitch: Mon/Wed/Sat
Majors: Tues/Thu/Sat
Intermediate 50/70: TBD
Juniors: Tues/Thu/Sat
The designations of 7U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U represent the max age of the division, so for example, 10U would mean that the player must be 10 years old or younger as of the player's league age outlined above, 12U means 12 years old or younger, etc.
Please note that Tee Ball is a co-ed division and played as baseball.
The following divisions are offered in Northeastern Little League:
Tee Ball - $85.00 (Co-Ed 7U)
Tee Ball is offered to 4 -7 year olds and is a co-ed division. The batter hits from the tee every time. Standings/Scores are not kept for this league. Teams are placed by school and friends. Do Not Need To Attend Evaluation Day!
Minor 1 - Coach Pitch Baseball 8U - $115.00 (8U)
Minor 1 - Coach Pitch is offered to 6-8 year olds getting ready to enter the minors. Coach pitches up to 10 pitches to the batter. Standings and scores are not kept. Teams are placed by school and friends. Participants do not need to attend player evaluation day!
Minor 2 - Kid Pitch Baseball - $125.00 (10U)
Minor 2 - Kid Pitch is offered to 8-10 year olds and introduces full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. Standings and Scores are kept. Between the Head Coach/Assistant Coaches & Sponsor a team will start with up to 4 players and all others are put into a draft. Participation in the player evaluation day is mandatory.
Majors Baseball - $135.00 (12U)
The major league is offered to 11 and 12 year olds and includes full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. The league has loose bases. Standings and scores are kept. Teams are kept together from year to year and new players are put into a draft. Participation in the player evaluation day is mandatory.
Intermediate Baseball (50/70) - $135.00 (12U - Availability is TBD based on Participation #'s)
Intermediate Baseball (50/70) is offered to 11 and 12 year olds and includes full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. Games are played on an intermediate sized field featuring 70 foot base paths and a 50 foot pitching mound. The league is used as a springboard/transition for players wishing to play on a larger field than the Majors division level in preparation for the jump to Juniors level. Standings and scores are kept.
Juniors Baseball - $145.00 (14U)
The junior league is offered to 13 and 14 year olds and includes full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. Standings and scores are kept. Teams are kept together from year to year and new players are put into a draft.
Minor 1 - Coach Pitch Softball 8U - $115.00 (8U)
Minor 1 - Coach Pitch is offered to 6-8 year olds getting ready to enter the minors. Coach pitches up to 10 pitches to the batter. Standings and scores are not kept. Teams are placed by school and friends. Participants do not need to attend player evaluation day!
Minor 2 - Kid Pitch Softball - $125.00 (10U)
Minor 2 - Kid Pitch softball is offered to 8-10 year olds and introduces full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. Standings and Scores are kept. Between the Head Coach/Assistant Coaches & Sponsor a team will start with up to 4 players and all others are put into a draft. Participants do not need to attend player evaluation day!
Majors Softball - $135.00 (12U)
The majors softball league is offered to 11 and 12 year olds and includes full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. The league has loose bases. Standings and scores are kept. Teams are kept together from year to year and new players are put into a draft. Participants do not need to attend player evaluation day!
Juniors Softball - $145.00 (14U)
The junior softball league is offered to 13 and 14 year olds and includes full kid pitch, base stealing, and bunting. Standings and scores are kept. Teams are kept together from year to year and new players are put into a draft. Participants do not need to attend player evaluation day!